Browser Experiments

Experiments with HTML5 APIs and browser technologies

Speech Synthesis

This is one of the more fun things; getting the browser to talk. A very basic experiment of playing with the speech controls for the browser. This would be a great way to prank some friends.

Canvas Bootstrap

Canvas is a lot to work with, especially if you need to start doing animations or manipulations

This is a "bootstrap" that I like to use for some common Canvas drawings and effects. It sizes itself, sets up the animation loop, and can even draw some images.


Making HTML tables is hard. And WYSIWGs always fall short on features. Part of their problem is that they don't first rely on the Table API that exists in the browser.

This is actually a Tablemaking API that's a wrapper for the DOM's table API. It's also a companion UI. You can generate valid HTML tables from JSON and from a somewhat easy-to-use interface. On Github you can even find documentation on the API. This has been a labor of love for many years.

Github Repo